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Putnam County Training Project: Supporting At-Risk Youth through Coaching and Community Connections

Upcoming training opportunities will include Connections Matter, Suicide Prevention, Supporting Youth to Complete a Personalized Education Plans (PEP), Mental Health 101, Coping Skills, Embracing Diversity, Relationship Building, and more. Our four partnering organizations include over 230 community volunteers/staff/leaders who serve over 4,000 youth through their combined programs. IDN has the capacity to serve multiple new youth organizations.  If you serve youth in Putnam County, including church youth groups, would like to benefit from these FREE training opportunities, please contact

Youth Development Portal

Our goal is to make IDN's youth development portal a one-stop shop where youth and their network can go to get support resources and help with issues they are experiencing. As we continue to develop the portal, the portal will give youth an opportunity to learn about organizations in their community with information on how to become connected to the organizations that interest them.  Our goal is to have Inspiring Dreams Network's youth development portal become a common household resource for youth, families, and the community organizations who serve them.  Resources will include a variety of media, including games, videos, websites, curriculum, camps, training opportunities, events, partner resources, and so forth.  While this portal is in the very early stages of development, we are excited about the positive impact it will have for youth, families and their support networks. If you have resources you would like to add for any of our stakeholder groups, please contact who is taking the lead in identifying and sharing relevant and appropriate resources

Putnam County Training
Youth Devlpmnt Portal
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